In this blog post, we highlight the projects of our Full-Stack students from Batch #19 which they implemented within the last month of the three-month training. Check out the results they have achieved in so little time.
SIT-Dash – A analytics app for our Bootcamps and Bootcamp-applications
Aviran Ben Hamo,
Michal Fugas,
Max Brüning
Everyone understands that data is becoming increasingly vital for all businesses. One of the most difficult challenges nowadays is making sense of a large amount of data. SIT-Dash, a simple and straightforward dashboard that helps uncover trends and patterns in the demand for SIT Academy's many course options, was designed by our students to assist SIT Academy with this.
The team also included a graph that breaks down the different sorts of Bootcamps that students applied to and categorizes them into three groups: full-time Bootcamp, part-time Bootcamp, and short courses. SIT Academy can use this information to determine which courses are the most appealing and plan its Bootcamps accordingly. They also introduced a useful summary of upcoming courses, which shows the number of applications received as well as their current status, which can assist determine when to push the application process further and when to sell certain programs more aggressively.
The team also added a range of functionality that gives the possibility to look into different parts of the application and edit the existing data if needed.
Current features:
- Summarizing different datasets in clear graphs
- Listing the latest applications and next upcoming Bootcamps
- Providing an easy interface to edit applications and Bootcamps
- Give the option to filter datasets for more overview
Future features:
- Add more analytics and filter options
- Implement communication tools like automated confirmation emails
Inflowence – Connecting companies and influencers
Nikolas Marin,
Itamar Adar,
Alexandre Flory Samartino
With the increased use of social media and influencer marketing, a new difficulty has arisen: finding the correct influencer for the job and the target audience! It will be difficult to locate the appropriate individual for the job if you don't already know the influencer - especially when their content is dispersed over multiple networks and sorts of content. That's why our students built Inflowence, a simple marketplace where you can find and book influencers for your campaign directly.
To assist you in researching any particular influencer, the team designed a dashboard that takes all of the created content from various networks and displays it clearly, including information about the creator's followers and subscribers, as well as previous campaigns. On the creator's side, the team provided the ability to view which other influencers are already booked for a campaign to get a sense of the image the campaign will elicit.
For this project, the team had to work with several different APIs to get all the content and figures from the different networks.
Current features:
- Find and research influencers
- Summarizing data from different networks for an easy overview
- Transparent campaign information for influencers
- Rate and review influencers you worked with

Introfly - stop wasting time on intros
Ondrej Janosik,
Benjamin Cunningham,
Laila El Alam,
Riccardo Mazzucheli
We learned from the pandemic that internet meetings are here to stay. This creates a problem: you waste a lot of time when everyone has to introduce themselves at each meeting. How lovely would it be if you could give a quick introduction and everyone else could see it before the meeting starts? That's exactly what Introfly enabled our students to do!
You can use the app to record your introduction and sync it with your Google calendar. When you're invited to an online meeting, other attendees can already see your introduction and know who they're speaking with. The amount of time saved may appear insignificant at first, but it gradually adds up!
Our students had to not only work with the Google API but also figure out how to save the recorded video and construct a user interface and a mechanism to distribute the recordings to everyone who was invited.
Current features:
- Recording of your introduction
- Share it with other participants in meetings
- Watch the introductions beforehand and get right to work during the meeting
Future features:
- Integration with more calendars like Outlook or Yahoo.
- Create a Google Chrome extension

MotherMoment: educational parenting support
Student: Fedor Eremin
Many new internet businesses begin with a low-code website because it is simple, quick, and effective. However, if you want complete control over your internet visibility, you'll need a fully developed website. Fedor desired a change in this circumstance for his wife. She had a low-code website but never got around to turning it into a genuine one.
Fedor did this by taking the current design files and modeling a website after it, making sure to replicate the site's behavior. He also made certain that the website will adjust to any screen size or device. He not only revamped the frontend but also the backend, providing for more flexibility.
Current features of MotherMoment:
- Customer login and registration
- Fully responsive design
Thank you everybody for a fantastic time and an amazing project period! SIT Academy wishes all of our Full-Stack grads the best for their future.