by Daniela Meier
“Hi, my name is Mijail Febres. Before joining the Full-Stack Bootcamp at Constructor Academy I was a scientist dedicated to numerical simulation of fluid dynamics, so I always got my hands on coding but focused on scientific calculations.”
“It was time for me to make a career switch but I didn't want to do anything that was too far away from what I was doing. I had some experience in both Data Science and Full-Stack but wanted to get profound knowledge in one of these fields. The curriculum of Full-Stack Development really convinced me to start my journey in that domain.”
“The overall experience was great! At first, I was a little skeptical about remote participation, but it turned out to be working for me. After the second or the third lesson I saw my learning progress and was very motivated and excited for the next months of the training.”
“I think frontend. It was something that I could see the results right away, you can visualize and see how this is evolving as you go, unlike with Backend. This is what I enjoyed, seeing the progress. Whereas, with Backend, it’s a bit more abstract. You cannot really see it.”
“I was surprised how quickly I found a job. I was expecting it to take me three or four months to find a new job, but it only took me one month after I finished the Bootcamp to find a position. It was an instant click and they hired me. I had no idea that it would happen so quickly, but I am really happy that it did.”
Thanks a lot for the interview, Mijail. We wish you all the best for your personal and professional future.