How to fund your Bootcamp with a Bildungsgutschein

by Claudia Boker

Students working together
Navigating a career change can be daunting, but with the right resources and opportunities, it can become an exciting journey toward a fulfilling new path. For residents in Germany, one such opportunity is the Bildungsgutschein, an educational voucher issued by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit. At Constructor Academy, we offer AZAV-certified bootcamps in Web Development and Data Science that are fully covered by the Bildungsgutschein, allowing you to study for free.

Are you eligible for a Bildungsgutschein?

To take advantage of this transformative opportunity, ensure you meet the following criteria:

•    Residency: You must be a registered resident of Germany.
•    Employment status: You must be registered as unemployed at the Employment Agency or a Job Center.

How to enroll in Constructor Academy using a Bildungsgutschein

Step 1: Explore our courses

Constructor Academy offers a diverse range of courses in Web Development and Data Science. All our courses are listed on KURSNET, the official German course database, and cater to various learning preferences:

•    Full-time or part-time options.
•    In-person classes in Munich and Bremen or the flexibility to learn fully online.
•    Full coverage by the educational voucher.

In-person lectures

Step 2: Apply for the course

Kickstart your tech journey by applying through our website. The application process includes an evaluation to ensure the selected course aligns with your career aspirations. You can start your application here.

Step 3: Consultation with a student success specialist

After submitting your application, schedule a consultation with one of our student success specialists. During this consultation, you'll receive detailed information about the course and guidance on navigating the bureaucratic process with the Arbeitsagentur or Jobcenter.

Step 4: Start learning

Once your Bildungsgutschein is approved and you receive your voucher, you're all set to begin your studies. Enroll in your chosen course and embark on your path to a new and exciting career in the tech industry.
Ready to transform your career? Start your new chapter with Constructor Academy and the support of a Bildungsgutschein. With our comprehensive courses and dedicated support, your dream career in tech is within reach. 

Hybrid work - study from home

Hear from our students

From finance to tech

“After years in finance and healthcare in Japan, I turned a new page in Munich, diving into UI/UX design and then tapping into a Bildungsgutschein to hone my frontend development skills at a full stack bootcamp at Constructor Academy. The experience bridged my background in project management with a budding interest in tech. The bootcamp was tough but enlightening, sharpening my technical know-how and giving me a real taste of the web development lifecycle and the teamwork it entails. I'm excited about the shift from finance and healthcare into tech and eager to see where this path leads.”
– Satoko Gruson

Engineer to Data Scientist

“After over 12 years working on hardware development projects, both as an Engineer and as a Team Manager, I felt the need for a career change. That is why I quit my job at a robotics startup and started looking for new opportunities.

I already had some experience in Data Analytics, so it was a natural step to seek further education in Data Science. I discovered several Bootcamps that could be financed using the Bildungsgutschein, and after consulting with my mediator from the Agentur für Arbeit, I submitted a request for the financing. I explained my situation in detail, highlighting that such training would increase my chances of landing a new job.

I chose Constructor Bootcamp because it offered offline training in Munich, and the curriculum was very appealing. After some time, I received confirmation that my Bildungsgutschein was granted, and I could enroll in the Bootcamp.”
– Augustin Rojo Serrano

Challenges and solutions

In my case, my handler told me that I need to undergo job application training with a basic German course from bfZ ausbildung. I went to bfz for two months. while i was in contact with her, updating my job search status. She suggested that I can do some courses to improve my skills. When I was looking for it, all the courses were taught in German. Unfortunately i don't know German level up to B1. Then after a few days, I realized the only hurdle is language. Then I looked for courses taught in English. Luckily I found Constructor academy courses were taught in English and courses started earlier than others. So I joined your institute. 
– Maheshwaran.V

Securing a job 

As an industrial engineer from RWTH Aachen University with a specialization in production technology and robotics, I sought to establish a foothold in the robotics industry. Despite my education, I felt unprepared in programming. After consulting my network, I discovered Constructor Academy, highly recommended by a friend with deep insights into Munich's IT bootcamps.

Joining Constructor Academy in mid-April was a seamless process, with support available through educational vouchers. The bootcamp, located in a stunning office at Donnersberger Bridge, offered a thorough and practical learning experience in English. The program’s structure included morning lectures and afternoon exercises, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and real-world projects.

The bootcamp's honesty about its three-month duration, unlike other providers, stood out. Our capstone projects were industry-linked, offering invaluable experience. My team’s project with QualityMinds on predicting human movements for autonomous driving showcased the comprehensive, real-world preparation provided.

Thanks to Constructor Academy, I secured a job as a robotics trainer with a robotics manufacturer in Denmark. The bootcamp's practice-oriented approach equipped me with the necessary skills and confidence to excel in my role. A heartfelt thank you to the Constructor Academy team for making this journey possible!
– Vincent Zitzewitz

You can find more to his story here


The impact of career transition

Our bootcamps give students the essential technical skills, renewing their career purpose and confidence. This long-term impact goes beyond individual success, contributing to a skilled and adaptable workforce.

Student learning to code


Changing careers is a significant step, but with the support of an education voucher and the comprehensive skills gained at Constructor Academy, it’s a journey worth taking. For those considering a career overhaul, we're here to guide you through every step of the way.

For more information on how to apply for an educational voucher and enroll in our bootcamps, reach out to Christina Sieber, she will be happy to answer your questions. 

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